1.Service AndroidManifest.xml 声明
一般而言,从Service的启动方式上,可以将Service分为Started Service和Bound Service。无论哪种具体的Service启动类型,都是通过继承Service基类自定义而来。在使用Service时,要想系统能够找到此自定义Service,无论哪种类型,都需要在AndroidManifest.xml中声明,语法格式如下:
19 . . .10
注:如果自定义Service没有在AndroidManifest.xml中声明,当具体使用时,不会像Activity那样直接崩溃报错,对于显式Intent启动的Service,此时也会给出waring信息“IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered”,有时候不容易发现忘了声明而一时定位不到问题。
2.Started Service
Started Service相对比较简单,通过context.startService(Intent serviceIntent)启动Service,context.stopService(Intent serviceIntent)停止此Service。当然,在Service内部,也可以通过stopSelf(...)方式停止其本身。
1)Started Service自定义
下面代码片段显示的是一个最基本的Started Service的自定义方式:
1 public class MyService extends Service { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "MyService"; 4 5 @Override 6 public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { 7 return null; 8 } 9 10 @Override11 public void onCreate() {12 super.onCreate();13 Log.w(TAG, "in onCreate");14 }15 16 @Override17 public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {18 Log.w(TAG, "in onStartCommand");19 Log.w(TAG, "MyService:" + this);20 String name = intent.getStringExtra("name");21 Log.w(TAG, "name:" + name);22 return START_STICKY;23 }24 25 @Override26 public void onDestroy() {27 super.onDestroy();28 Log.w(TAG, "in onDestroy");29 }30 }
其中,onBind(...)函数是Service基类中的唯一抽象方法,子类都必须重写实现,此函数的返回值是针对Bound Service类型的Service才有用的,在Started Service类型中,此函数直接返回 null 即可。onCreate(...)、onStartCommand(...)和onDestroy()都是Started Service相应生命周期阶段的回调函数。
2) Started Service使用
1 public class MainActivity extends Activity { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "MainActivity"; 4 5 private Button startServiceBtn; 6 private Button stopServideBtn; 7 private Button goBtn; 8 9 private Intent serviceIntent;10 11 @Override12 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {13 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);14 setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);15 16 startServiceBtn = (Button) findViewById(;17 stopServideBtn = (Button) findViewById(;18 goBtn = (Button) findViewById(;19 20 startServiceBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {21 @Override22 public void onClick(View v) {23 serviceIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, MyService.class);24 startService(serviceIntent);25 }26 });27 28 stopServideBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {29 @Override30 public void onClick(View v) {31 stopService(serviceIntent);32 }33 });34 35 goBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {36 @Override37 public void onClick(View v) {38 Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, BActivity.class);39 startActivity(intent);40 }41 });42 43 }44 45 @Override46 protected void onDestroy() {47 super.onDestroy();48 Log.w(TAG, "in onDestroy");49 }50 }
当Client调用startService(Intent serviceIntent)后,如果MyService是第一次启动,首先会执行 onCreate()回调,然后再执行onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId),当Client再次调用startService(Intent serviceIntent),将只执行onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId),因为此时Service已经创建了,无需执行onCreate()回调。无论多少次的startService,只需要一次stopService()即可将此Service终止,执行onDestroy()函数(其实很好理解,因为onDestroy()与onCreate()回调是相对的)。
下面重点关注下onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId)方法。
START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY:compatibility version of {@link #START_STICKY} that does not guarantee that {@link #onStartCommand} will be called again after being killed。此值一般不会使用,所以注意前面三种情形就好。
另外,需要注意的是,小米手机针对此处做了一定的修改。在“自启动管理”中有一个自启动应用列表,默认情况下,只有少应用(如微信、QQ、YY、360等)默认是可以自启动的,其他应用默认都是禁止的。用户可以手动添加自启动应用,添加后的应用中如果Started Service onStartCommand(...)回调返回值是START_STICKY或START_REDELIVER_INTENT,当用户在小米手机上长按Home键结束App后,接下来未来的某个时间内,当系统内存足够可用时,Service依然可以按照上述规定重启。当然,如果用户在 设置 >> 应用 >> 强制kill掉App进程,此时Service是不会重启的。
3) Started Service生命周期及进程相关
1.onCreate(Client首次startService(..)) >> onStartCommand >> onStartCommand - optional ... >> onDestroy(Client调用stopService(..))
4.Client A 通过startService(..)启动Service后,可以在其他Client(如Client B、Client C)通过调用stopService(..)结束此Service。
6.startService(Intent serviceIntent),其中的intent既可以是显式Intent,也可以是隐式Intent,当Client与Service同处于一个App时,一般推荐使用显示Intent。当处于不同App时,只能使用隐式Intent。
15 6 87
4)Started Service Client与Service通信相关
当Client调用startService(Intent serviceIntent)启动Service时,Client可以将参数通过Intent直接传递给Service。Service执行过程中,如果需要将参数传递给Client,一般可以通过借助于发送广播的方式(此时,Client需要注册此广播)。
3.Bound Service
相对于Started Service,Bound Service具有更多的知识点。Bound Service的主要特性在于Service的生命周期是依附于Client的生命周期的,当Client不存在时,Bound Service将执行onDestroy,同时通过Service中的Binder对象可以较为方便进行Client-Service通信。Bound Service一般使用过程如下:
1.自定义Service继承基类Service,并重写onBind(Intent intent)方法,此方法中需要返回具体的Binder对象;
2.Client通过实现ServiceConnection接口来自定义ServiceConnection,并通过bindService (Intent service, ServiceConnection sc, int flags)方法将Service绑定到此Client上;
3.自定义的ServiceConnection中实现onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder)方法,获取Service端Binder实例;
5.当Client在恰当的生命周期(如onDestroy等)时,此时需要解绑之前已经绑定的Service,通过调用函数unbindService(ServiceConnection sc)。
在Bound Service具体使用过程中,根据onBind(Intent intent)方法放回的Binder对象的定义方式不同,又可以将其分为以下三种方式,且每种方式具有不同的特点和适用场景:
1).Extending the Binder class
这是Bound Service中最常见的一种使用方式,也是Bound Service中最简单的一种。
局限:Clinet与Service必须同属于同一个进程,不能实现进程间通信(IPC)。否则则会出现类似于“android.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to xxx”错误。
1 public class MyBindService extends Service { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "MyBindService"; 4 5 private MyBinder mBinder = new MyBinder(); 6 7 public class MyBinder extends Binder { 8 MyBindService getService() { 9 return MyBindService.this;10 }11 }12 13 @Override14 public void onCreate() {15 super.onCreate();16 Log.w(TAG, "in onCreate");17 }18 19 @Override20 public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {21 Log.w(TAG, "in onBind");22 return mBinder;23 }24 25 @Override26 public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {27 Log.w(TAG, "in onUnbind");28 return super.onUnbind(intent);29 }30 31 @Override32 public void onDestroy() {33 super.onDestroy();34 Log.w(TAG, "in onDestroy");35 }36 }
1 public class BActivity extends Activity { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "BActivity"; 4 5 private Button bindServiceBtn; 6 private Button unbindServiceBtn; 7 8 private Button startIntentService; 9 10 private Intent serviceIntent;11 12 private ServiceConnection sc = new MyServiceConnection();13 private MyBinder mBinder;14 private MyBindService mBindService;15 private boolean mBound;16 17 private class MyServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {18 19 @Override20 public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) {21 Log.w(TAG, "in MyServiceConnection onServiceConnected");22 mBinder = (MyBinder) binder;23 mBindService = mBinder.getService();24 25 mBound = true;26 }27 28 @Override29 public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {30 // This is called when the connection with the service has been31 // unexpectedly disconnected -- that is, its process crashed.32 Log.w(TAG, "in MyServiceConnection onServiceDisconnected");33 mBound = false;34 }35 36 }37 38 @Override39 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {40 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);41 setContentView(R.layout.b);42 43 bindServiceBtn = (Button) findViewById(;44 unbindServiceBtn = (Button) findViewById(;45 startIntentService = (Button) findViewById(;46 47 bindServiceBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {48 @Override49 public void onClick(View v) {50 Intent intent = new Intent(BActivity.this, MyBindService.class);51 bindService(intent, sc, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);52 }53 });54 55 unbindServiceBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {56 @Override57 public void onClick(View v) {58 excuteUnbindService();59 }60 });61 62 startIntentService.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {63 @Override64 public void onClick(View v) {65 Intent intent = new Intent(BActivity.this, MyIntentService.class);66 startService(intent);67 }68 });69 70 }71 72 private void excuteUnbindService() {73 if (mBound) {74 unbindService(sc);75 mBound = false;76 }77 }78 79 @Override80 protected void onDestroy() {81 super.onDestroy();82 Log.w(TAG, "in onDestroy");83 excuteUnbindService();84 }85 }
1 MyBindService(13457): in onCreate2 MyBindService(13457): in onBind3 BActivity(13457): in MyServiceConnection onServiceConnected
1 MyBindService(13457): in onUnbind2 MyBindService(13457): in onDestroy
注:在四大基本组件中,需要注意的的是BroadcastReceiver不能作为Bound Service的Client,因为BroadcastReceiver的生命周期很短,当执行完onReceive(..)回调时,BroadcastReceiver生命周期完结。而Bound Service又与Client本身的生命周期相关,因此,Android中不允许BroadcastReceiver去bindService(..),当有此类需求时,可以考虑通过startService(..)替代。
2)Using a Messenger
Messenger,在此可以理解成”信使“,通过Messenger方式返回Binder对象可以不用考虑Clinet - Service是否属于同一个进程的问题,并且,可以实现Client - Service之间的双向通信。极大方便了此类业务需求的实现。
1 public class MyMessengerService extends Service { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "MyMessengerService"; 4 5 public static final int MSG_FROM_CLIENT_TO_SERVER = 1; 6 public static final int MSG_FROM_SERVER_TO_CLIENT = 2; 7 8 private Messenger mClientMessenger; 9 private Messenger mServerMessenger = new Messenger(new ServerHandler());10 11 @Override12 public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {13 Log.w(TAG, "in onBind");14 return mServerMessenger.getBinder();15 }16 17 class ServerHandler extends Handler {18 @Override19 public void handleMessage(Message msg) {20 Log.w(TAG, "thread name:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());21 switch (msg.what) {22 case MSG_FROM_CLIENT_TO_SERVER:23 Log.w(TAG, "receive msg from client");24 mClientMessenger = msg.replyTo;25 26 // service发送消息给client27 Message toClientMsg = Message.obtain(null, MSG_FROM_SERVER_TO_CLIENT);28 try {29 Log.w(TAG, "server begin send msg to client");30 mClientMessenger.send(toClientMsg);31 } catch (RemoteException e) {32 e.printStackTrace();33 }34 break;35 default:36 super.handleMessage(msg);37 }38 }39 }40 41 @Override42 public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {43 Log.w(TAG, "in onUnbind");44 return super.onUnbind(intent);45 }46 47 @Override48 public void onDestroy() {49 Log.w(TAG, "in onDestroy");50 super.onDestroy();51 }52 }
1 public class CActivity extends Activity { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "CActivity"; 4 5 private Button bindServiceBtn; 6 private Button unbindServiceBtn; 7 private Button sendMsgToServerBtn; 8 9 private ServiceConnection sc = new MyServiceConnection(); 10 private boolean mBound; 11 12 private Messenger mServerMessenger; 13 14 private Handler mClientHandler = new MyClientHandler(); 15 private Messenger mClientMessenger = new Messenger(mClientHandler); 16 17 private class MyClientHandler extends Handler { 18 @Override 19 public void handleMessage(Message msg) { 20 if (msg.what == MyMessengerService.MSG_FROM_SERVER_TO_CLIENT) { 21 Log.w(TAG, "reveive msg from server"); 22 } 23 } 24 } 25 26 private class MyServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection { 27 28 @Override 29 public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) { 30 Log.w(TAG, "in MyServiceConnection onServiceConnected"); 31 mServerMessenger = new Messenger(binder); 32 33 mBound = true; 34 } 35 36 @Override 37 public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { 38 // This is called when the connection with the service has been 39 // unexpectedly disconnected -- that is, its process crashed. 40 Log.w(TAG, "in MyServiceConnection onServiceDisconnected"); 41 42 mBound = false; 43 } 44 } 45 46 @Override 47 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 48 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 49 setContentView(R.layout.c); 50 51 bindServiceBtn = (Button) findViewById(; 52 unbindServiceBtn = (Button) findViewById(; 53 sendMsgToServerBtn = (Button) findViewById(; 54 55 bindServiceBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 56 @Override 57 public void onClick(View v) { 58 Intent intent = new Intent(CActivity.this, MyMessengerService.class); 59 bindService(intent, sc, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); 60 } 61 }); 62 63 unbindServiceBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 64 @Override 65 public void onClick(View v) { 66 excuteUnbindService(); 67 } 68 }); 69 70 sendMsgToServerBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 71 @Override 72 public void onClick(View v) { 73 sayHello(); 74 } 75 }); 76 77 new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { 78 @Override 79 public void run() { 80 Intent intent = new Intent(CActivity.this, MyAlarmBroadcastReceiver.class); 81 sendBroadcast(intent); 82 } 83 }, 3 * 1000); 84 85 } 86 87 public void sayHello() { 88 if (!mBound) 89 return; 90 // Create and send a message to the service, using a supported 'what' value 91 Message msg = Message.obtain(null, MyMessengerService.MSG_FROM_CLIENT_TO_SERVER, 0, 0); 92 // 通过replyTo把client端的Messenger(信使)传递给service 93 msg.replyTo = mClientMessenger; 94 try { 95 mServerMessenger.send(msg); 96 } catch (RemoteException e) { 97 e.printStackTrace(); 98 } 99 }100 101 private void excuteUnbindService() {102 if (mBound) {103 unbindService(sc);104 mBound = false;105 }106 }107 108 @Override109 protected void onDestroy() {110 super.onDestroy();111 Log.w(TAG, "in onDestroy");112 excuteUnbindService();113 }114 }
1.MyMessengerService自定中,通过new Messenger(new ServerHandler())创建Messenger对象,在onBind(..)回调中,通过调用Messenger对象的getBinder()方法,将Binder返回;
2.Client在ServiceConnection的onServiceConnected(..)的回调中,通过new Messenger(binder)获取到Service传递过来的mServerMessenger;
4.至此只是完成了从Client发送消息到Service,同样的道理,想实现Service发送消息到Client,可以在客户端定义一个Handler,并得到相应的Messenger,在Clinet发送消息给Service时,通过msg.replyTo = mClientMessenger方式将Client信使传递给Service;
至此,完成了Client - Service之间的双向通信流程。
3).AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)
注:无论哪种方式的Bound Service,在进行unbind(..)操作时,都需要注意当前Service是否处于已经绑定状态,否则可能会因为当前Service已经解绑后继续执行unbind(..)会导致崩溃。这点与Started Service区别很大(如前文所述:stopService(..)无需做当前Service是否有效的判断)。
4.Local Service VS Remote Service
Local Service:不少人又称之为”本地服务“,是指Client - Service同处于一个进程;
Remote Service:又称之为”远程服务“,一般是指Service处于单独的一个进程中。
2.Service一旦创建,需要停止时都需要显示调用相应的方法(Started Service需要调用stopService(..)或Service本身调用stopSelf(..), Bound Service需要调用unbindService(..)),否则对于Started Service将处于一直运行状态,对于Bound Service,当Client生命周期结束时也将因此问题。也就是说,Service执行完毕后,必须人为的去停止它。
1 public class MyIntentService extends IntentService { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "MyIntentService"; 4 5 public MyIntentService() { 6 super(TAG); 7 } 8 9 public MyIntentService(String name) {10 super(name);11 }12 13 @Override14 protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {15 Log.w(TAG, "in onHandleIntent");16 Log.w(TAG, "thread name:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());17 }18 19 }
Android中Service接口中还提供了一个称之为”前台Service“的概念。通过Service.startForeground (int id, Notification notification)方法可以将此Service设置为前台Service。在UI显示上,notification将是一个处于onGoing状态的通知,使得前台Service拥有更高的进程优先级,并且Service可以直接notification通信。
1 public class MyService extends Service { 2 3 public static final String TAG = "MyService"; 4 5 @Override 6 public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { 7 return null; 8 } 9 10 @Override11 public void onCreate() {12 super.onCreate();13 Log.w(TAG, "in onCreate");14 }15 16 @Override17 public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {18 Log.w(TAG, "in onStartCommand");19 Log.w(TAG, "MyService:" + this);20 String name = intent.getStringExtra("name");21 Log.w(TAG, "name:" + name);22 23 24 Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.ic_launcher, "test", System.currentTimeMillis());25 Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, DActivity.class);26 PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntesnt, 0);27 notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, "title", "content", pendingIntent);28 startForeground(1, notification);29 30 31 return START_REDELIVER_INTENT;32 }33 34 @Override35 public void onDestroy() {36 super.onDestroy();37 Log.w(TAG, "in onDestroy");38 }39 }